Summer Cooking Fun, What A Blast!

What a fantastic 2012 Summer Cooking Camp!  I think this was the best one yet, even though I seem to say that every year.  The kids and staff had so much fun with our theme of “Farmer’s Markets-Knowing Where Our Food Comes From.”

What a great experience!  Summer Cooking Camp is so much more than just a “keep ’em busy” kind of camp.  Tons of food was cooked, great life lessons learned, laughs shared, new friends and yummy memories made…way more than cupcakes and novelty food.  I think of it as Fun Food Literacy.

Each day brought a different focus.  Day 1 was all about Fake vs Real Food, Day 2 was composting, Day 3 was Go, Slow, Whoa Foods, reading labels, and healthy portions, and Day 4 was the Growing Cycle.

Here’s a few snapshots of what 2012 Summer Cooking Camp looked like:

we mashed up blackberries for cobblers

made healthy key lime raspberry tarts

 cooked up heart-loving fish sticks

 had fun making meatloaf muffins with potato frosting

shelled purple hull peas (yep, people still do that!)

shucked corn

smartypants stuck out their tongues

made the best dill pickles ever!

made cheese ravioli

learned about composting, then made compost stew

pitted cherries

learned how to build cherry cheesecake parfaits

chopped veggies for a summer frittata

chopped more veggies for a salad

made strawberry balsamic vinaigrette for the salad

added the rainbow to it and called it a Farmer’s Market Salad!

wrote about the growing cycle in food journals

and planted pizza gardens.

There was so much more, just not enough time and space to tell about it.

What a blast!  Thank you parents for letting your kids cook with us at Cook, Learn, Grow!

Cooking, it’s about:
Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Community, Life!

Now, it’s time for Fall which means all new lessons, recipes, locations, laughs, friends and experiences.  Check out the Fall Food Literacy Class line up here.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 3, 2012 at 12:49 pm and is filled under Easy.

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