What’s in there?

Welcome back y’all; looking forward to paring and sharing real food.  Let’s get started by taking a look at our pantries.  What’s in there?  What should be in there?  For starters, nothing fake or full of chemicals, nothing with the words, fat-free, sugar-free, low-fat, blah, blah, blah. 

Basics for a healthy pantry/fridge:

  1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil-the best you can afford-should have a green tint.
  2. Fresh, local chicken eggs-purchase at a farmer’s market, from a cool neighbor or be cool & start your own backyard coop.
  3. Butter-real, preferably made from grass fed cow’s milk.
  4. Avocados-so incredibly healthy…I use it instead of mayo.
  5. Bread-real, artisan, multi-grain bread.  Use it for sandwiches, as an accompaniment, make croutons, bread crumbs, toast, on and on…….
  6. Easy, homemade chicken stock: celery, carrot, onion, parsley, chicken bones & trimmings simmered for about an hour, strain-done! Make a big batch, it freezes well.
  7. Lemons-add zest to anything to wake up flavors, make lemonade, make easy vinaigrettes, on and on….a real kitchen workhorse!
  8. Fresh spices-anything over 6 months loses its flavor and potency.
  9. Fresh herbs-too easy to grow to have any excuses!
  10. Real cheese-from a wheel, not in vacuumed-sealed plastic and nothing from a round, green can…buy the biggest block you can afford and grate your own.  Tip: the rind of parmigiano-reggiano is a great, natural, non plastic teething soother for babies.
  11. Nuts-especially raw almonds
  12. Greek yogurt
  13. Grains-rice, Israeli couscous, quinoa, oats
  14. Dried Fruit
  15. Dried Beans
  16. Real Vanilla Beans- pricey, but they keep and they’re real-no imitation flavors added J
  17. Tomato paste in a tube
  18. Real Maple Syrup or Sourghum-sorry Aunt Jemima-just say no to fake food!
  19. Fresh, bacon-you cannot believe how easy it is to make it homemade-no swine influenza worries here.
  20. Sherry vinegar-for flavor and acidic balance.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 24, 2009 at 12:20 pm and is filled under Cook Learn Grow.

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