Sneak Peek

The Thanksgiving Dessert Contest is underway and I wanted to share a few of the entries that have recently come in.  These are so much fun!!

Olivia’s Pumpkin Pecan Sundae…Wow!, this looks so good!

Olivia is thankful for: “my mommy and daddy and my sister and brother, Ava and Grant. I am also thankful for our creator, God and Jesus because he died on the cross for us. When I go to Heaven, I will get to see them.  Thank you for my home, my animals, my Barbies, my bike and my friends.”

Eden’s Biscotti…love the big chunks of chocolate!
Eden is thankful for: “her family and friends, – including furry pawed pals.”

Alyssa’s Honey Limeade and Chocolate Bubble Ring Cake…fun to say and looks so yummy!
Alyssa is thankful for: “my family, having a roof over my head and having food to eat.”

Miles’ Chocolate Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cinnamon Buttercream Frosting…can I please have a bite????  Pretty please?
Miles is thankful for: “learning how to cook!”

Lucy’s Healthy Cooked Fruit Snack…love this!
Lucy is thankful for: “kitty cats”

Davis’ Absolutely Amazing Pumpkin Cake…not sure which I love most, the cake or his smile?!
Davis is thankful for: “his cat Ali, and his teacher, Ms. Oggero who makes it fun to come to school.”


Catherine-Margaret’s Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie with Chocolate Turkeys…so unique and cute!
Catherine-Margaret is thankful for: “God who created and loved us, my family-my mom, dad, brother and sister, and this beautiful planet where we live.”

Not really looking forward to having to choose just one winner. 🙁

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 8:31 am and is filled under Show & Tell.

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