The Winners Are…

I am blown away!  The Thanksgiving Dessert entries were incredible. From healthy cooked fruit snacks to cheesecake…these kids are cooking Rockstars!

The whole reason I held this contest was to encourage kids to cook.  Man oh man, did they cook.  Not only did they cook, but they sent in what they are thankful for.  Those thankful notes brought me to my knees. So sweet, honest and simple.    

It was quite hard to choose a winner.  So I didn’t.  Instead, I decided that everyone would win something.  Sure, a few did win the BIG prize, but everyone won something for their participation and awesome entries.

Here’s how it turned out:  (Level of difficulty and appearance were the deciding factors.) 

Ages 4-7 had a tie for the BIG prize.   A tie between Ice Cream Sundaes.  Can you believe that?  Trust me, they weren’t just any old Ice Cream Sundaes.

The two BIG prize winners are:

Hugh with his Apple Pumpkin Pie Parfait
Hugh had more pieces to the dessert (components),  more techniques, he used his knife skills and took what he learned in cooking class (parfaits) and changed it into something unique and his own.  When I saw his parfait, I immediately smiled and wanted a bite!  He even used seasoned pumpkin seeds for a garnish. Beautiful.
Hugh is thankful for “my new baby sister and apples.”
Olivia with her Pumpkin Ice Cream Sundae.
Olivia had a sauce.  A pumpkin sauce…from scratch!  That sent me over the edge.  She also took what she learned in cooking class (homemade whipped cream) and utilized it in her dessert.   When I saw Olivia’s sundae, my mouth was watering over the sauce.  I could almost taste it just from the picture!  Then there was more garnishing…she used pecans.  Perfect.  

Olivia is thankful for “my mommy and daddy and my sister and brother, Ava and Grant. I am also thankful for our creator, God and Jesus because he died on the cross for us. When I go to Heaven, I will get to see them.  Thank you for my home, my animals, my Barbies, my bike and my friends.”

Ages 8-12:

The BIG winner is Katherine -Pumpkin Cheesecake with Marshmallow-Sour Cream topping and Gingersnap Crust.  Wow!

Katherine is thankful for “a nice home, good food and a loving family.”

Cheesecakes from scratch are not for scaredy cats.  Katherine is not a scaredy cat.  Most adults don’t even make cheesecakes from scratch.  Not only was it a complex and challenging recipe but it was BEAUTIFUL in appearance.  It looked like something out of a fancy food magazine.  Way to go Katherine, I am so proud of you!

I am equally as proud of all the kids who strutted their stuff in the kitchen!

Here are the second place winners:

Ages 4-7:

Kailey- Mini Apple Tartlet
Kailey is thankful for “my family and my friends”

Lucy- Cooked Fruit Snacks
Lucy is thankful for “kitty cats”

Davis-Amazing Pumpkin Cake
Davis is thankful for “his cat Ali and his teacher, Ms. Oggero who makes it fun to come to school.”

Eden-Chocolate Chip Biscotti
Eden is thankful for “her family and friends-including furry, pawed pals.”

Phoebe-“Phoebe’s Amazingly Fantastic Beautiful Best Dessert Pancakes of All”
Phoebe is thankful for “her new dog, Cloudy and her dogs that died and went to doggy heaven.”

Ages 8-12:

Alan-Pumpkin Poppers
Alan is thankful for “the food he has, the life he lives, his parents and the freedom to take cooking class.”

Evan-Pumpkin Cake
Evan is thankful for “my family and that we are in good health, and that my grandpa is staying with us and that I get to see him everyday.”

Catherine-Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie with Chocolate Turkeys
Catherine is thankful for “God who created and loves us, my family, my mom and dad and brother and sister and this beautiful planet where we live”

Alyssa-Milk Chocolate Bubble Ring Cake and Honey Limeade
Alyssa is thankful for “my family, having a roof over my head and having food to eat.”

Miles-Chocolate Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cinnamon Buttercream Frosting
Miles is thankful for “learning how to cook”

All the kids used things they learned in cooking class which makes me so, so, so happy!

I am thankful.  Thankful for these kids who inspire me to be honest and simple.  Thankful for God’s love, good food, family and freedom.  Thankful for the opportunity to cook with kids.

So incredibly proud of every single one of them.  Blown away!

Good job, guys!

Parents, thank you so much for letting your child participate!  There will be another cooking project in the Spring, but not in a competitive format.  Stay tuned…:)  Please contact me at with mailing address for shipping the prizes. Prizes will be shipped by Wednesday, Nov 14.

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 11, 2012 at 3:35 pm and is filled under Show & Tell.

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