Whipped Chocolate Mousse

Dear Valentine,

How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways…

1. heavy whipping cream
2. pure vanilla
3. chocolate
4. powdered sugar

Corny, I knooowww!  But oh so good when put together to make this easy, light and kid-friendly whipped chocolate mousse!  This version of chocolate mousse is perfect for kids to make because it doesn’t involve tempering eggs which can be a little tricky for you young chefs.

Making this recipe, you’ll heat cream, whip cream, and fold chocolate into cream creating a heavenly-chocolately-perfect-for-Valentine’s dream!

Here we go!DSC_0931The lovely stars of the show; vanilla, heavy whipping cream, bittersweet chocolate chips and a little powdered sugar.


Heat cream to a boil and pour over chocolate


Let it sit for a couple of minutes.


Whisk until smooth and creamy, then set aside.


Pour chilled cream into a mixing bowl and add vanilla.


Whisk until cream begins to thicken.  You can memorize your spelling words or your multiplication facts while you whisk.


Add powdered sugar and continue whisking.


Stop when cream is thick and stiff, like this!


Add a big spoonful of the whipped cream to the chocolate ganache.


Fold whipped cream into chocolate by going down in the middle with the spatula and turning it up and over from the sides back into the middle.


Down, up and over

Folding is a technique used to gently combine ingredients that are puffy with air like whipped cream.  Would you be my Valentine?


Add chocolate mixture to the remaining whipped cream and say…I LOVE YOU to the nearest person.


Fold all together.  Good job!


Keep gently folding until well combined.


Dish some of this deliciousness up for someone you love.  Give it to them with a smile and hug making sure to tell them how very much you love them.

Happy Valentines Day; I Love You!

Chef Lori


This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 8:17 am and is filled under Easy.

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