Kid’s Summer Cooking Camp

Last Summer, we went “Around the World” at Summer Cooking Camp,

 we practiced our knife skills,

 we made pizza,

even with a booboo…

we cracked eggs,

we measured,

we played spoon and nose games,

we laughed,

we zested,

we measured some more,

and more…practice makes perfect,

we made breakfast maco tacos,

we laughed some more…we laughed a lot,

we made caprese skewers,

and friends,

we cracked more eggs…lots and lots of eggs,

we shucked corn,

and ate corn,

we admired new earrings,

and played gallon man games,

we whisked,

we rolled dough,

and rolled,

rolling, rolling, rolling,

ta-dah! – fruit galette

we listened to a special guest registered dietician-thanks for coming, Ms. Tiffany!

we made chicken yakitori,

and even eiffel towers!

we thanked God every second of every minute for Ms. Becky

in the end,

moms were happy,

and we were happy.

This summer, we’re visiting American Farmer’s Markets!

Hope to see you there!

Happy Cooking!

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 1:00 am and is filled under Easy.

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