Banana French Toast

The perfect breakfast treat is, of course, none other than French Toast and to make it even better, we can add bananas!


With just a few ingredients, this easy breakfast is absolutely wonderful and perfect for special days.


To get started, crack 2 eggs into a mixing bowl.  Next add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla and 1/2 cup of powdered sugar.  Mix it all together and set aside for later.



Next you are going to need 4 slices of bread.  Any bread will do!  You will also need a banana sliced into thin slices.  Spread cream cheese onto each slice of bread then top with the banana slices.


Sprinkle on cinnamon to each layer of banana to give it a more flavorful kick!  Continue to add another slice of bread and repeat the cream cheese and banana toppings until you have used all 4 slices.

Preheat the skillet to medium heat to prepare for the toast.  Cut the sandwich stack in half and grab the egg mixture.  Dip the sandwich halves into the egg mixture and cover completely.  This part can get really messy!  If the bowl isn’t working for your dipping action, you can add the egg mixture to a shallow baking pan to make the dipping easier.  Coat all of the sides to make your french toast perfect.

Once you have the slices well coated, cook each half on the skillet until they are a golden brown color and slightly crispy.  Cook both sides for 2-3 minutes.


After you have the perfect crispy toast, put on a plate and top with a little bit of powdered sugar.  If you want to make them even sweeter, add a little bit of real maple syrup for the delicious breakfast treat!




This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 5:38 pm and is filled under Intermediate.

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  1. Eugen @ Munch Ado says:
    April 4, 2014 at 9:29 AM

    Looks great, thanks for the recipe!

    Eugen @ The Munch Ado Blog